Group Classes​
Our training is all about setting your canine friend up for success
to repeat behaviors and make right choices.
Training your dog is a two-way process,
with communication between you both.
And with good communication skills your training
will enable you to enjoy your dog more fully.
A well trained dog can enjoy sharing life with your family,
without needing to be excluded.
The time invested in training your canine friend will pay off
with years of great companionship.
Workshops concentrate on 1 behavior and
are 1 - 3 sessions depending on course

Puppy Life Skills
for pups under 5 months
The whole family is encouraged to participate.
​This course will focus on teaching life skills and concepts.
positive introductions to novel things and experiences
structured interaction play
teach your pup to love being handled
basic skills such as name recognition, sit and come when called
impulse control games, learning self control
calming strategies for those crazy times
management ideas to keep you sane and your puppy safe

Quick Manners
for dogs 5 month & older
​This class starts with our well-rounded beginner curriculum and is designed to introduce your dog to learning basic skills and good manners. You will learn how to set your dog up for success with training games. You and your canine friend will develop a working partnership and have fun training.
Pay attention
Come when called
No jumping
wait at door to go in & out
a trick
and more

Polite Greetings
for dogs of all ages
An enthusiastic greeting from your dog can be flattering, but you and visitors alike hate It when your dog unexpectedly jumps up on you, getting you dirty or knocking you down. Training your dog to keep him or her from jumping will make those around you feel safer--it is possible to turn that annoying habit into a polite one!

Walking in Partnership
for dogs 5 months & older
Is your dog walking you instead of the other way around? Do you dread going for walks? Are your arms and shoulders aching? Is he a barking maniac? Yes, walking an out of control dog is incredibly frustrating. Let’s change that! Learn exercises to help you and your dog to walk in a calm, pleasant, and fun partnership.

Hey Rover, Come Here
for dogs of all ages
Does your canine friend ignore you when you call him? Are you frustrated or worried that the moment something interesting catches his eye, he’ll leave you behind?
This course you and your dog will learn:
Understand why your dog does not come
How to enhance your dog's desire to return to you
How to focus on you when called
Fast returns to you
How to handle distractions
What to do when he does not come when called

Sniff It Out
No previous training required
Dogs of any breed and all ages are welcome including seniors
Turn your canine friend’s favorite activity into a rewarding game! Scent training is a fun activity both you and your canine friend can enjoy. Scent training will provide your dog with an enjoyable, mentally stimulating activity that helps relieve anxiety and reduce excess energy. 15 minutes of sniffing is like a 30-minute walk!

Movement Puzzles​
No previous training required. Dogs of any breed
5 months through seniors
Boost your dog’s confidence and stress resilience with these fun movement exercises, which can also help with behavior challenges. Your dog will deal better with stress because these puzzles release dopamine which helps with motivation, feeling happy, learning, and memory. With improved focus and impulse control, you and dog will have less training and frustration. Great class for a timid, shy dog, too.

Quick Tricks
for dogs of all ages
Fun, quick tricks and activities to engage and challenge your dog.
By teaching tricks, you will:
* Establish a closer, more communicative bond with your canine friend.
* Improve behaviors your dog already knows
* Provide mental and physical stimulation
* Teaching your dog to experiment, pay attention to you and offer behaviors
* Learn self control.
Tricks will include: shake, high five, wave, jump over & thru, crawl, leg weaves, back up, spin, and more.

Canine Good Citizen
For dogs that are 6 months or older
This is not a beginners course
You and your dog MUST complete an obedience
or manners course prior to this class
AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) is a certification program that evaluates dogs in simulated everyday situations in a relaxed, noncompetitive atmosphere. Dogs that pass the CGC test are deemed to be reliable family and community members and will receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club (includes mix breeds).
The AKC Canine Good Citizen™ (CGC) program provides a perfect framework for training your dog to become a polite member of society.
The 10 test items on the CGC test are practical, functional behaviors that every dog should have to be welcomed in the community.
The course will include training exercises that are included in the test.
You can test without taking this course. Contact us if interested in course or want to take the test.​

Therapy Dog
You MUST have a CGC certificate.
Your dog MUST have self control
In this course you & your dog will practice your good manners skills maneuvering around obstacles that are common in a nursing home environment. Your dog will learn to be calm even in a situation that may be uncomfortable, how to best maneuver to be easily petted, make controlled approaches to people in wheelchairs/walkers/canes, and you will learn how to be aware of where your dog is, what he is doing and how to keep his tail, feet, eyes & ears safe. Some training will be out in public locations. You and your dog will also make a visitation under the supervision of the instructor.
The test will be at a different location under a certified therapy dog evaluator, not your instructor.
Contact us if interested in this course or have any questions.